Vol 96, No 12 (2006)

Table of Contents

From the Editor

Mid-level workers: high-level bungling? PDF
J P van Niekerk 1209

Editor's choice

Editor's Choice PDF
J P van Niekerk 1213


NOFSA statement on generic bisphosphonates PDF
Stephen Hough 1214
Phyto-oestrogens in soy-based products - concerns regarding the adverse effects on puberty PDF
Dhamend Lutchman 1214
Genetic testing for spinal muscular atrophy PDF
Jo M Wilmshurst, Felicity Leisang, Howard Hendersen 1216
Can (or should) doctors be entrepreneurs? PDF
Les Smith 1218
2010, HIV and public health issues PDF
J V Larsen 1218


Rural health care delivery set to collapse PDF
The other side of rural doctoring PDF


Is it time to change our HIV testing policy in health care facilities? PDF
L-G Bekker, R Wood 1235
Advance directive and the National Health Act PDF
David McQuoid-Mason 1236
Basking in glory PDF
Chris Ellis 1238
Mediastinal mass, pneumonia or just plain normal?
Savvas Andronikou, Sanjay Prabhu, Joanna Kasznia-Brown, Russel Jones, David Grier, Lisa Goldsworthy 1239
Expect tuna slosh PDF
Robert-Ian Caldwell 1241
Mixed Bag PDF
Bridget Farham 1244


Jeff Wilkinson PDF
Lynton Wilkinson 1246


Stroke and HIV - causal or coincidental co-occurrence? PDF
Girish Modi, Mala Modi, Andre Mochan 1247

Scientific letters

Risk of malignancy in myasthenia gravis patients exposed to azathioprine therapy for a median period of 3 years PDF
A Rawoot, F Little, J M Heckman 1249

Original articles

Conscious sedation v. monitored anaesthesia care - 20 years in the South African context PDF
Tish Stefanutto, Tom Ruttmann 1252
The burden and risk factors for adverse drug events in older patients - a prospective cross-sectional study PDF
Brent Tipping, Sebastiana Kalula, Motasim Badri 1255
The incidence and nature of injuries in South African rugby players in the rugby Super 12 competition PDF
Louis J Holtzhausen, Martin P Schwellnus, Ismail Jakoet, A L Pretorius 1260
Regional cerebral oxygenation monitoring - intraoperative management in a patient with severe left ventricular dysfunction PDF
Richard J Ing, Stephanie Fischer, Steve Shipton, Rebecca Gray, Jenny Thomas, John Hewitson 1266


Clinical Management of Allergic Rhinitis - the Allergy Society of South Africa Consensus Update PDF
PC Potter, G Carte, G Davis, P Desmarais, R Friedman, M Gill, C Gravet, R Green, M Groenewald, M Hockman, P Jeena, O Jooma, G Joyce, A Manjra, M Ossip, R Seedat, J Steer, D Vidjak, L Wolff 1269-1272
Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - South African Urological Association Guideline PDF
Zoltan Bereczky, Mike Bolus, Preg Chetty, Wim du Toit, Jan Enslin, Mohamed Haffejee, Chris Heyns, David Hyams, Dian Kirstein, Murray Mackenzie, Abel Mamine, Shingai Mutambirwa, Barry Niemand, Chris Opperman, Alan Pontin, Simon Reif, Ferdi Sauer, Alfred Segone, David Smart, Pieter Steenkamp, Golda Stellmacher, Frans van Wijk, Schalk Wentzel 1273-1280