Vol 96, No 9 (2006)

Table of Contents

From the Editor

Philanthropy moves mountains PDF
J P de V van Niekerk 755

Editor's choice

Editor's Choice PDF
J P van Niekerk 757


Local is not lekker PDF
G Osler 758
NOFSA statement on generic bisphosphates PDF
National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa, Corresponding author Stephen Hough 758
Valvular heart disease in South Africa PDF
Cornelius A Botha, reply by Professor P Commerford 760
'Four legs good, two legs bad' - political spin in the 2005 HIV prevalence survey Untitled
David Bourne 764


Govt fumbles HIV prevention tender PDF
New triage system halves mortalities PDF
Rural doctors given fresh hope PDF
Govt 'spinning' natural HIV prevalence curve PDF


Massive postoperative splenulosis PDF
David Stein, Peter Baker, Lucille Wood, Peter Jacobs 779
Did Hitler have syphilis? reply to Retief and Wessels PDF
Robert M Kaplan 782
Mixed Bag PDF
Bridget Farham 789-790


Bernard Singer PDF
Max Klein 788
Loet te Groen PDF
Charles Keast 789


Antenatal antecendents of deaths of children PDF
R C Pattinson 792

Scientific letters

Rational planning for health care based on observed needs PDF
V C Burch, S R Benatar 796
Appropriateness of patient attendance at specialist clinics in public hospitals in eThekwini municipality PDF
E E Lutge, S E Knight, K Naidoo, C C Jinabhai 804
Bilateral orchidectomy in three metastic prostate cancer patients with failed LHRH-agonist therapy PDF
E O Olapade-Olaopa, A O Oluwasola, A Shonibare, O A Falebita, E E Akang, M T Shokunbi 810
Clusters of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in neonatal intensive care unit in Gauteng PDF
Else Marais, Arshnee Moodley, Nelesh Govender, Ranmini Kularatne, Juno Thomas, Adriano Duse 813

Original articles

Public perceptions on neonatal health insurance: Moving towards universal health coverage in South Africa PDF
Olive Shisana, Thomas Rehle, Julia Louw, Nonpumelelo Zunga-Dirwayi, Pelisa Dana, Laetitia Rispel 814
Phototherapy and exchange transfusion for neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia: Neonatal academic hospitals' consensus guidelines for South African hospitals and primary care facilities PDF
A R Horn, G F Kirsten, S M Kroon, P A Henning, G Moller, C Pieper, M Adhikari, P Cooper, B Hoek, S Delport, M Nazo, B Mawela 819
Injury-related behaviour among South African high-school students at six sites PDF
Alan J Flisher, Catherine L Ward, Holan Liang, Handsome Onya, Numfundo Mlisa, Susan Terblanche, Arvin Bhama, Charles D H Parry, Carl J Lombard 825
Wound healing with honey - a randomised controlled trial PDF
R F Ingle, J B Levin, K Polinder 831

Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital 50th Anniversary

Messages PDF
Dimitri Erasmus, Beth Engelbrecht 841
Establishment and support of a children's hospital - the community as champion PDF
David Beatty 845
The rise and fall of children's hospitals in South Africa PDF
H Rode, M R Q Davies, A Berg 849
The history of a War Memorial Children's Hospital in Cape Town PDF
H de V Heese, A Steenkamp 854
Undernutrition, brain growth and intellectual development PDF
R D Griesel, L M Richter 862
Observations on the origin of congenital intestinal atresia PDF
Lewis Spitz 864
Appenditicitis - pitfalls and medicolegal implications PDF
J S Karpelowsky, S Bickler, H Rode 866
The history of paediatric trauma care in Cape Town PDF
A B (Sebastian) van As, Heinz Rode 874
Fifty years of paediatric anaethesia - new approaches to an old technique PDF
A T Bosenberg, R J Ing, J M Thomas 880
Childhood pneumonia - progress and challenges PDF
Heather J Zar, Shabir A Madhi 890
The Allergy Clinic: 50 years PDF
E G Weinberg, P C Potter, C Motala 902
Sydenham's chorea - clinical and therapeutic update 320 years down the line PDF
Kathleen Walker, John Lawrenson, Jo M Wilmshurst 906
Why are some South African children with Down Syndrome not being offered cardiac surgery? PDF
J B Lawrenson, N N Kalis, H Pribut, J Hewitson, S Shipton, J Stirling, R de Decker 914
Student Paper: Is cardiac surgery warranted in children with Down syndrome? A case-controlled review PDF
M A Roussot, J B Lawrenson, J Hewitson, R Smart, H P de Decker 924
Four decades of conjoined twins at Red Cross Children's Hospital - lessons learned PDF
H Rode, A G Fieggen, R A Brown, S Cywes, M R Q Davies, J P Hewitson, E B Hoffman, L D Jee, L Lawrenson, M D Mann, L S Matthews, A J W Millar, A Numanoglu, J C Peter, J Thomas, H Wainwright 931
The utility of computed tomography for recent-onset partial seizures in childhood PDF
George H Swingler, Anthony T R Westwood, Karen Iloni 941
The impact of subspecialty services on health care delivery - a community health centre based study PDF
S Cox, F Mpofu, A Berg, H Rode 945
The evolving management of Burkitt's lymphoma at Red Cross Children's Hospital PDF
Alan Davidson, Farieda Desai, Marc Hendricks, Patricia Hartley, Alastair Millar, Alp Numanoglu, Heinz Rode 950
Overview of a peadiatric renal transplant programme PDF
M I McCulloch, P Gajjar, C W N Spearman, H Burger, P Sinclair, L Savage, C Morrison, C Davies, G van Dugteren, D Maytham, J Wiggelinkhuizen, M Pascoe, F McCurdie, A Pontin, E Muller, A Numanoglu, A J W Miller, H Rode, D Kahn 955
Liver transplantation at Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital PDF
C W N Spearman, M McCulloch, A J W Millar, H Burger, A Numanoglu, E Goddard, P Gajjar, C Davies, E Muller, F McCurdie, D Kemm, S Cywes, H Rode, D Kahn 960
Deaths at Red Cross Children's Hospital, Cape Town, 1999-2003 - a study of death notification forms PDF
Wilson Grandin, Tony Westwood, Kashifa Lagerdien, Maylene Shung King 964
Surgical treatment for 'brain compartment syndrome' in children with severe head injury PDF
A A Figaji, A G Fieggen, A Argent, J C Peter 969
Selective cerebral hypothermia for post-hypoxic neuroprotection in neonates using a solid ice cap PDF
A R Horn, D L Woods, C Thompson, I Els, M Kroon 976
Secular trends in risk behaviour of Cape Town grade 8 students PDF
Alan J Flisher, Catherine Mathews, Wanjiru Mukoma, Carl F Lombard 982
Antiretroviral treatment for children PDF
Brian Eley, Mary-Ann Davies, Patti Apolles, Carol Cowburn, Heloise Buys, Marco Zampoli, Heather Finlayson, Spasina King, James Nuttall 988
Determining the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalised peadiatric patients PDF
L V Marino, E Goddard, L Workman 993