Vol 97, No 3 (2007)

Table of Contents

From the Editor

How common is condom failure? PDF
Nonhlanhla P Khumalo 143

Editor's choice

Editor's Choice PDF
JP V van Niekerk 145


Altruism or perverse incentive? PDF
G P Tunguy-Desmarais 146
Mid-level workers: high-level bungling? PDF
I D Couper, Jannie Hugo, Khaya Mfenyana 146
Medicines Control Council and registration backlog of antiretrovirals PDF
John Gosling 148
Child abuse and our society PDF
Nicolette Booysen, Carla Brown, Nicolette Collison, Ralph Diedericks, Funeka Ginger, Sean Hatherill, Shehaam Hendricks, Noluthando Loleka, Licia Karp, Andre Pieters, Lynette Slabbert, Sebastian van As 150
The South African Hypertension Guideline 2006 is evidence-based and not cost-effective - a rebuttal PDF
B L Rayner, Y K Seedat, J Milner, V Pinkney-Atkinson, Y Veriava 152
Salmonella typhi central nervous system infection PDF
Linda Meyer, Marthie M Ehlers, Mike G Dove, Gerhard F Weldhagen 154


New focus urgent after Khomanani resuscitation PDF
The loveLife-saving 'ripple effect' - groundbreakers seed hopeful attitudes PDF
Breastmilk banking regains vital expression PDF


Asthma - is survival good enough? PDF
RJ Green, H J Zar, E D Bateman 172
Fluconazole donation and outcomes assessment in cryptococcal meningitis PDF
G Collete, A Parrish 175
Journal clubs - knowledge sufficient for critical appraisal of the literature? PDF
Paul Rheeder, Danie van Zyl, Elize Webb, Zeleke Worku 177
Large-bowel obstruction as a result of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia PDF
M R Purdy 180
Tubal pregnancy beyond term PDF
P van der Bijl, T P Mabesa 184
Perforated appendicitis - a rare cause of pneumoperitoneum PDF
David Joseph Ekoue Dosseh, Ayikoe Etienne Ayite, Komla Attipou 186


HIV incidence estimates are key ti understanding the changing HIV epidemic in South Africa PDF
Salim S Abdool Karim 190

Scientific letters

Circumcision complications associated with the Plastibell device PDF
J Lazarus, A Alexander, H Rode 192

Original articles

National HIV incidence measures - new insights into the South African epidemic PDF
Thomas Rehle, Olive Shisana, Victoria Pillay, Khangelani Zuma, Warren Parker 194
One step forward, two steps back - requiring ministerial approval for all 'non-therapeutic' health research involving minors PDF
Ann E Strode, Catherine M Slack, Douglas R Wassenaar, Jerome A Singh 200
Cervical spine injury outcome - review of 101 cases treated in a tertiary referral unit PDF
K Frielingsdorf, R N Dunn 203
Effects of the Tobacco products Control Amendment Act of 1999 on restaurant revenues in South Africa - a survey approach PDF
Corne van Walbeek, Evan Blecher, Madalet van Graan 208